Jaarverslag 1998
Mossen in de grotten van Han-sur-Lesse. (zie ook 47:7-22)
P.J. Keizer
An account of the mosses growing in the caves of Han-sur-Lesse (Belgium) is given. Ten species were found. Some remarks on the ecology of the cave environment and implications for moss growth and development are made. Locaties in dit artikel: Han-sur-Lesse, grotten (atlasblok: J6-34)
Rectificatie (verslag Ave-et-Auffe, 47:7-22)
De mossen van Schiermonnikoog
B.F. van Tooren
The autumn meeting of 1996 was held on the Dutch island of Schiermonnikoog. During the weekend, in combination with some records from the period 1995-1998, 128 species of bryophytes have been found, including rare species like Haplomitrium hookeri, Lophozia incisa and Fossombronia fimbriata. The records were compared with older data. It is concluded that, although several Red List species were not found recently, the bryophyte flora is probably not much impoverished during the last decennia. Locaties in dit artikel: aanlegsteiger Veerboot (atlasblok: 02-46) - Arnicavallei en omgeving (atlasblok: 02-36) - geplagde vallei ten N van bospad (atlasblok: 02-36) - Grieënglop, Banckspolder, Herdersdam (atlasblok: 02-36) - Hertenbosvallei (atlasblok: 02-36) - Iepen in dorp (atlasblok: 02-36) - Kapenglop, Mossenglop, stuifkuilen (atlasblok: 02-36) - Oosterkwelder, Kobbeduinen (atlasblok: 02-37) - pad naar Willemsduin (atlasblok: 02-37) - Reddingsweg en omgeving (atlasblok: 02-36) - Schiermonnikoog, bos (atlasblok: 02-36) - Strandvlakte en omgeving (atlasblok: 02-36) - Vuurtorenvallei (atlasblok: 02-36) - Westerplas (atlasblok: 02-46) - Willemsduin (atlasblok: 02-38) - zandafgraving ten W van Prins Bernhardweg (atlasblok: 02-36) - zuidkant Strandvlakte (atlasblok: 02-37)
Fossombronia fimbriata Paton in Nederland
J.A.W. Nieuwkoop
Fossombronia fimbriata, an hepatic new to the Netherlands
During the 1996 Autumn meeting on Schiermonnikoog Fossombronia fimbriata Paton has been collected. It is the first record outside the British Isles.
Ptilium crista-castrensis als facultatieve epifyt
J. Koopman & K. Meijer
Ptilium crista-castrensis as a facultative epiphyte
Ptilium crista-castrensis (Hedw.) De Not. Usually Ptilium crista-castrensis grows on the ground beneath conifers. By contrast, two recent founds as epiphytes on Salix are discussed.
Scorpidium vernicosum in de Meppelerdieplanden
M.J. van Tweel & G. van Wirdum
Scorpidium vernicosum is reported from wet hayfields in Northwest Overijssel. The vegetation in which it occurs is regarded as close to the Caricion nigrae. This is the first record of S. ventricosum from the Netherlands since 1965. Locaties in dit artikel: Meppelerdieplanden (atlasblok: 21-16)
Veranderingen in de korstmos-vegetatie van het Wekeromse Zand: een vergelijking tussen 1984 en 1994
R. Ketner-Oostra & A.K. Masselink
Changes in the lichen vegetation of the Wekeromse Zand: a comparison between 1984 and 1994
Changes in the lichen vegetation of the Wekeromse Zand, an inland sand-dune area in the Veluwe region of Gelderland, were studied by comparing 50 relevés recorded in 1994 with 22 relevés from 1984. Over the period studied the moss Campylopus introflexus took partly over from the pioneer moss species Polytrichum piliferum, while the epiphytic alga Gloeocystis polydermatica increased dramatically in presence. However, species diversity of terrestrial lichens is still considerable, but the cover of the lichens decreased. Although succession is also involved, the nitrogen deposition from the bioindustry, amounting here to > 50 kg/ha/y in 1994, is mainly held responsible for the changes observed.
De lichenologische excursie van 11 maart 1996 naar Baarn en Leusden met opmerkingen over twee nieuw beschreven soorten: Protoparmelia hypotremella en Lecanora barkmaniana
C.M. van Herk, A. Aptroot & J.L. Spier
The lichenological excursion on March 11 1996 to Baarn and Leusden with remarks on two recently described species: Protoparmelia hypotremella and Lecanora barkmaniana
This paper deals with an excursion on the occasion of a visit of Brian and Sandy Coppins to the Netherlands. Two at that moment still undescribed species, viz. Protoparmelia hypotremella Van Herk, Spier & Wirth and Lecanora barkmaniana Aptroot & Van Herk are discussed.
Verslag korstmossenexcursie naar de Hoge Veluwe op 1 november 1998
L.B. Sparrius, A. Aptroot & C.M. van Herk
An excursion was made to 'De Hoge Veluwe', a drift-sand and pinewood reserve in the central part of the Netherlands. Several rare species from drift-sands and heaths are reported: Cladonia borealis, Cladonia fragilissima and Stereocaulon condensatum. On rotten pine wood Cladonia squamosa was present. In a few decades this species has become very rare in the Netherlands.
Fellhanera bouteillei is weer terug in Nederland
L.B. Sparrius
Fellhanera bouteillei is back again in the Netherlands
Fellhanera bouteillei (Desm.) Vezda has been considered to be extinct from the Netherlands already at the end of the 19th century. It is represented by one single collection from Mespilus in the city of Utrecht. In January 1999 the species has been found, growing on stems of Vaccinium myrtillus, in an oak/pine-forest in the central part of the Netherlands. Now, four Fellhanera ss. lat. species (including Fellhanera subtilis, Fellhanera viridisorediata and Fellhaneropsis myrtillicola) are known from Vaccinium stems in the Netherlands.
Physcia tribacia probeert het weer
L.B. Sparrius
Physcia tribacia tries to establish again
Physcia tribacia (Ach.) Nyl. has recently been found on roadside Ulmus in the province 'Zuid-Holland', a second record for the Netherlands. Until the 1970's, this area has been heavily polluted by sulphur dioxide and was very poor for lichens. Now, 33 species of lichen are present at this site. Other interesting species on Ulmus in this part of the country are Ochrolechia turneri, Usnea subfloridana and Catillaria nigroclavata.
Xanthoria ulophyllodes, een nieuw macrolicheen voor Nederland
A. Aptroot & C.M. van Herk
Xanthoria ulophyllodes, a macrolichen new to the Netherlands
The lichen Xanthoria ulophyllodes Räs. is reported for the first time from the Netherlands. It was found on Ulmus on two different islands in the Wadden Sea, both in lichenologically well-known sites.
Literatuuroverzicht Gorteria deel 19 t/m 24, Duin 19 t/m 21, Blumea 41