Buxbaumiella 49

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Overlijdensberichten Ab Masselink en Pieter Roorda van Eysinga

Voorjaarskamp 1998 in de omgeving van Herbricht
H.P.M. Hillegers, Th.B.M. Kerkhof, A. van der Pluijm, H.N. Siebel, M. Smulders & B.F. van Tooren
Spring field meeting 1998 in the surroundings of Herbricht
The spring field meeting 1998 of the Dutch bryological and lichenological society was held near Herbricht, situated along the Meuse in Limburg (Belgium), opposite to the mouth of the Geul. Localities in Belgium and in the Netherlands have been visited. Locaties in dit artikel: Bemelen, Winckelberg, Bemelerberg (atlasblok: 62-21) - Eys, Piepert, Eyserbosschen (atlasblok: 62-23) - Eys, spoorweginsnijding (atlasblok: 62-23) - Heide bij Rekem (atlasblok: 59-57) - Kanne, St. Pietersberg (atlasblok: 61-38) - Maastricht, Fort Sint Pieter (atlasblok: 61-28) - Maastricht, Hoge Fronten, Bossche Fronten (atlasblok: 61-28) - Maastricht, Stadsmuren (atlasblok: 61-28) - Margraten, groeve 't Rooth en omgeving (atlasblok: 62-21) - Mechelse heide, Heiderbos (atlasblok: 59-36) - Mechelse heide, Ven Onder de Berg (atlasblok: 59-47) - Mechelse heide, Zandgroeve (atlasblok: 59-47) - Neerharen, Hochterbampd (atlasblok: 61-18) - Spaubeek, Geleenbeekdal (atlasblok: 60-52) - Wijlre, Elkenrade (atlasblok: 62-23)
Korstmossen in Limburg, voorjaarsweekend 1998
A. Aptroot & C.M. van Herk

The lichens of the province Limburg have been investigated in spring 1998. The following lichen species are reported from the Netherlands for the first time: Caloplaca crenulatella (Nyl.) Oliv., Cladonia peziziformis (With.) Laundon, Lecidella anomaloides (Massal.) Hertel & Kilias, Micarea excipulata Coppins, Placynthiella dasaea Tønsberg and Thelocarpon sphaerosporum H. Magn. The following lichenicolous fungi are first reports from the Netherlands: Bispora christiansenii D. Hawksw., Cercidospora macrospora (Uloth) Haf. & Nav.-Ros. and Stigmidium mycobilimbiae Cl. Roux, Triebel & Etayo. The presence in the Netherlands of Mycobilimbia lobulata and Psora decipiens is confirmed.
De lichenologische excursie naar IJsselmeerdijken in Noord-Holland (1998)
A. Aptroot, C.M. van Herk, L.B. Sparrius & J.L. Spier
The lichenological excursion to IJsselmeer dykes in North Holland
On dykes in North Holland around the IJsselmeer, a former sea, many lichens were found, including species which are in the Netherlands characteristic for this dyke environment like Aspicilia leprosescens, Caloplaca atroflava, C. crenularia, Ochrolechia parella and Opegrapha confluens. Some relics of the former maritime rocks are still present, like Caloplaca maritima, Verrucaria latericola and V. maura. Bacidia viridifarinosa was found in its special niche, sheltered 10-20 cm deep crevices between boulders. Leptogium plicatile, Staurothele frustulosa and Verrucaria aethiobola were restricted to the lower littoral slopes. The sites were especially interesting to study the Verrucaria species. Species from all three main ecological groups; terrestrial, freshwater and maritime rocks were growing side by side. Verrucaria glaucina, V. macrostoma, V. muralis and V. nigrescens, usually regarded as calciphilous, were found together with nitrophytes on all different kinds of rock, including granite, which was superficially enriched by a nitrogen source. Acrocordia macrospora was never found in the Netherlands before.
De korstmossen van het Westergasfabriek-terrein, Amsterdam, op 3 december 1998
C.M. van Herk, A. Aptroot, L.B. Sparrius & J.L. Spier
The lichens of the Wester gasworks site, Amsterdam, December 3, 1998
The lichen flora of a former urban industrial area in Amsterdam has been studied. Several species of metal enriched soils have been found, e.g. the recently described Pyrenocollema chlorococcum. Directions are given how to encourage lichens on pavements and concrete surfaces.
Ochrolechia turneri (Sm.) Hasselrot en Ochrolechia microstictoides Räsänen in Nederland
J.L. Spier & C.M. van Herk
Ochrolechia turneri (Sm.) Hasselrot and Ochrolechia microstictoides Räsänen in the Netherlands
Ochrolechia turneri and Ochrolechia microstictoides have been examined by TLC (thin layer chromatography) for their chemical substances variolaric and/or lichesterinic acid. Nineteen specimens of O. turneri have been tested, all but one contained variolaric acid. Thirty-seven specimens of O. microstictoides have been tested, fifteen contained variolaric and lichesterinic acid, but twenty-two specimens appeared to contain only lichesterinic and no variolaric acid. Apparently two chemical forms of O. microstictoides viz. one with variolaric and lichesterinic acid and one only containing lichesterinic acid are present in the Netherlands. O. turneri and O. microstictoides appear to be two well-defined species with their own morphology, chemistry, ecology and distribution within the Netherlands. Additional and more appropriate morphological characters are presented.
Enkele interessante vondsten van lichenen en lichenicole fungi in Nederland. III
P.P.G. van den Boom & A.K. Masselink
Some interesting finds of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the Netherlands III
Six species, Absconditella sphagnorum, Melaspilea ochrothalamia, Nectria rubefaciens, Opegrapha viridis, Pronectria oligospora and Strangospora ochrophora are recorded for the first time for the Netherlands. More information on some rare or interesting species, viz. Arthonia cinnabarina, Fellhaneropsis myrtillicola, Graphina anguina, Micarea confusa, Micarea misella and Placynthiella dasaea is provided. Notes on morphology, ecology and on distribution are given.
Enkele aanvullingen op de lichenologische kennis van Terschelling en Vlieland
J.L. Spier
Some additions to the lichen flora of Terschelling and Vlieland
Much is already known from the lichen flora of Terschelling and Vlieland. Additional species for Terschelling are: Aspicilia grisea, Chaenotheca ferruginea, Hobsonia christiansenii, Opegrapha confluens, Parmelia caperata, P. exasperatula, P. perlata, P. soredians, Pertusaria albescens, Scoliciosporum gallurae, Syzygospora physciacearum and Verrucaria halozoa. New to Vlieland: Calicium viride, Lecanora aitema, Lepraria lobificans, Micarea nitschkeana, Peltigera neckeri and Usnea subfloridana.
Weerhaakmos, Antitrichia curtipendula, in De Peel
J.A.M. Kersten & H.M. van den Bosch
Antitrichia curtipendula in “De Peel”
Antitrichia curtipendula is reported from the southern part of the Netherlands (prov. North Brabant) for the first time. A list of bryophytes is presented from the area where Antitrichia has been found. Locaties in dit artikel: Heitrackse Peel (atlasblok: 52-52)
Een oude vondst van Paraleucobryum longifolium (Hedw.) Loeske in Nederland
B.O. van Zanten
An old gathering of Paraleucobryum longifolium (Hedw.) Loeske from the Netherlands
In Herbarium Groninganum (GRO) a fertile specimen of Paraleucobryum longifolium (Hedw.) Loeske was found which had been collected by H.C. van Hall between 1852 and 1871 near Witteveen, vicinity of Haren (Prov. of Groningen). This is the only record of this species from The Netherlands.
Literatuuroverzicht Lindbergia deel 17 t/m 21

Recensie Veldgids Mossen (K.W. van Dort et al. 1998.)
M.J.H. Kortselius

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