De Mossentabel van Huib de Miranda (1936)
B.O. van Zanten
Didymodon cordatus Jur. (Rotsdubbeltandmos) nieuw voor Nederland
Ph. Sollman
Didymodon cordatus Jur. new to the Netherlands. This species was collected (but not recognized) in 1981 on a groyne in the river Rhine near Amerongen (prov. Utrecht). It is compared with D. luridus, D. rigidulus and D. acutus. One fruiting collection of D. cordatus (in L) was seen from Italy: the peristome teeth are short and straight.
Funaria pulchella H. Philib. (Gaaf krulmos) nieuw voor Nederland
H.M.H. van Melick
Funaria pulchella H. Philib. new to the Netherlands
Funaria pulchella H. Philib. is reported for the first time from the Netherlands. The species is found on a former fortification named ‘Sint-Pieter’ near Maastricht in the southern part of the Netherlands. The plants are growing in a south and east exposed slope in a Sedo-Scleranthetea vegetation.
Veranderingen in de Standaardlijst van de Nederlandse blad-, lever- en hauwmossen (2005)
H.N. Siebel, H.J. During & H.M.H. van Melick
Changes in the Checklist of Dutch mosses, liverworts & hornworts
An update is given of the checklist of the Dutch bryophyte flora. Five species were recently found or recognized for the first time in the Netherlands. Two species and five varieties were recognized again and several names were adjusted to recent taxonomical changes. The updated version of the checklist can be found on the website of the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society (www.blwg.nl).
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