Buxbaumiella 72

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Muursterretjes en andere Steentjesmossen. De bryoflora van het Rotterdamse stedelijk gebied
J. de Bruijn
The bryoflora of the Rotterdam urban area
An inventory of the mosses and liverworts of the urban area of Rotterdam, covering 153 km squares and investigated during the period 2001-2004, as well as distribution maps of about sixty rare or otherwise remarkable species together with notes on their presence are presented. In total 165 species were recorded, i.e. about 30% of the Dutch bryoflora. The bryological richness of the km squares varies from 13 to 73 species/km2, with an average of 39.1. This number, however, is heavily influenced by the only partly investigated squares situated on the municipal boundaries. A number of rare lithophytes and species of clay soils are well represented in Rotterdam. The abundance of a great number of rare or less common epiphytes is less easy to explain. Builded areas prove to harbour as much (and sometimes even more) valuable species as the green areas in their immediate neighbourhood. A plea is made for further investigation of urban areas, especially in such highly urbanised countries as the Netherlands.
Iepenzonnetje, Caloplaca luteoalba, stapt over op populier
L.B. Sparrius

Orange-fruited elm-lichen, Caloplaca luteoalba, switches to poplar. Recent findings of the endangered lichen Caloplaca luteoalba are on poplar instead of elm, the tree species it has been mostly confined to in the Netherlands and surrounding countries.
Korstmossen in Gerolstein (Eifel)
A. Aptroot

Lichens in Gerolstein (Eifel, Germany). A three-day excursion to the Gerolstein area in the Eifel was attended by a large international group of lichenologists. In total, about 375 lichens were observed. The species Belonia nidarosiensis and Cladonia cyathomorpha are here reported for the first time from Germany, 37 further species are reported for the first time from Rheinland-Pfalz, 10 species (e.g. Nephroma parile) were found although they were thought to be extinct and several others (e.g. Peltigera degenii, Sphaerophorus globosus and Usnea ceratina) were only known from one locality each in the Eifel, or were never reported from the Eifel at all, like Parmelia submontana.
De lichenenrijke stuifzandvegetatie met IJslands mos aan de voet van de Lemelerberg (Ov.) in de periode 1965-2005
R. Ketner-Oostra, L. van Tweel-Groot & L.B. Sparrius

Lichen-rich inland sand dune vegetation with Cetraria islandica at the Lemelerberg in the period 1965-2005. A nature reserve at the base of the Lemelerberg (province of Overijssel, NL) with inland sand dunes is known for its lichen-richness. The area is one of the last strongholds of Cetraria islandica in the Netherlands. In 2004 a survey was undertaken in order to give recommendations for management practices. Vegetation relevés with lichens from this survey were compared with those from a survey in the 1960s, a time when nitrogen deposition was still low. Since then aerial deposition of ammonia has increased greatly as a direct result of bio-industry. Natural succession has taken place, probably accelerated by this nitrogen deposition, but also the neophytic moss species Campylopus introflexus has invaded these sand dunes. The area where C. islandica was found in 1966 has decreased considerably since then. In 2005 the species was only found on degrading moss carpets with blown-over sand. This implies that the restoration of an open sand dune landscape with much blowing sand could safeguard the lichen-richness of the reserve in general and probably of C. islandica too.
Warnstorfia exannulata XXL
C.G. Buter

Warnstorfia exannulata XXL. Plants of Warnstorfia exannulata, almost 1.2 meter in length, were found in a recently cleaned pond. This extraordinary length probably resulted from growth keeping pace with a slowly rising water level after the management measure.
Mosflora van Baden-Württemberg gereed! (boekbespreking)
R.J. Bijlsma

Wijzigingen ledenlijst BLWG t/m 5 december 2005

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