Buxbaumiella 45

< vorige Juli 1998 volgende >

Henk Siebel gepromoveerd

M.J.H. Kortselius

In den beginne
J.W. van Vliet

Oproep. Waarnemingen van Cryphaea heteromalla gevraagd
E.J. Weeda & J. Koopman

Oproep. Rode Lijst mossen
B.F. van Tooren

Eendagsexcursie naar Kaapse bossen bij Doorn
H.C. Greven

Locaties in dit artikel: Utrechtse heuvelrug, Kaapse bossen (atlasblok: 32-53)
Het geslacht Rinodina (Lichenes) in de Benelux
P.P.G. van den Boom

A lecture about the lichen genus Rinodina in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands has been given. 23 species occuring in the studied area (Giralt et al. 1997) are treated. Rinodina brandii recently described (Giralt & v.d.Boom 1996) is discussed.
De diasporenvoorraad in de bodem van een savanne in Zimbabwe
H.J. During

The above-ground vegetation of the ’Matopos Sandveld Fire Plots’ in S. Zimbabwe, experimental plots with a consistent management (12 different regimes) since 1947, contained only very few bryophytes: isolated plants of Exormotheca holstii, two Riccia species, two Archidium species and a Bruchia. However, from superficial soil samples taken in plots with four different management regimes, including annual fire, at least 11 hepatics & Anthocerotae and 21 mosses emerged, often in large numbers. Most species belonged to the Annual Shuttle species. Annual burning of the above-ground vegetation did not appear to be harmful to the diaspores in the soil.
De Nederlandse Grimmia's
H.C. Greven

The occurrence of Grimmia in The Netherlands is discussed. Previously 4 species have been reported as new to the Dutch bryoflora: Grimmia montana, G. orbicularis, G. ovalis and G. tergestina. A key is presented in which these species have been included.
Plagiomnium rostratum en andere vondsten langs het Wilhelminakanaal
H.A.M. Smulders

In November 1997, Plagiomnium rostratum has been found on the timbering of the Wilhelminakanaal. This is the first record from Southeast Brabant where it is growing very abundantly in 10 different square km between Best and Oirschot. Locaties in dit artikel: Beatrixkanaal (atlasblok: 51-34) - Wilhelminakanaal (atlasblok: 51-23) - Wilhelminakanaal (atlasblok: 51-24) - Wilhelminakanaal (atlasblok: 51-33) - Wilhelminakanaal (atlasblok: 51-34)
De lichenologische excursie van Soest-Zuid naar de Lange Duinen en De Zoom op 8 november 1997
C.M. van Herk, J.L. Spier & K.W. van Dort

A lichenological field meeting has been held near the village of Soest. The changes of the lichen composition during the last five years are discussed, e.g. a recent settlement of Parmelia pastillifera. An increase of the number of epiphytic lichens has been observed, particularly at nutrient enriched sites, e.g. in built-up areas, near bark wounds, at dusty places, and on horizontal branches. Several observations indicate that the return of epiphytes sensitive to S O2 is nearly absent at stations where such an enrichment with nutrients does not occur. Locaties in dit artikel: Soest, De Zoom (atlasblok: 32-32) - Soest, Lange Duinen (atlasblok: 32-32)
Parmelia subargentifera Nyl. nieuw voor Nederland
C.M. van Herk

Parmelia subargentifera was found for the first time in The Netherlands. One young thallus was found on a roadside oak tree. The epiphytic lichen composition of the trees in the area concerned and the effects of ammonia pollution are discussed.
Mossen en korstmossen van Schothorst
J.W. van Vliet, W. van Heesch & J.L. Spier

Locaties in dit artikel: Amersfoort, Schothorst (atlasblok: 32-23)
Krantenknipsel. Blinddoek voor om zeldzaam mos te zien

80 korstmossen in een tuin in Drente
L.B. Sparrius, A. Aptroot & C.M. van Herk

On June 4 1998, the authors visited the private garden of Dr. E. Arnolds in the village of Holthe (Netherlands, prov. Drenthe). This three hectare garden contains a great diversity of habitats: sandy places, granite blocks, chalk grassland, and a large amount of bare soil. Eighty species of lichens are reported. Two species were found for the first time in the Netherlands: the lichen Thelocarpon herteri Lahm on bare soil; the algicolous fungus Epigloea renitens (Grummann) Doebbeler on soil and on faecies of Oryctolagus cuniculus. The rare Thelidium minutulum and Geisleria sychnogonioides were also found on soil. The difference between Thelocarpon superellum and T. herteri is discussed. The authors recognize these as distinct species.
Recensie Levermosflora. (S.R. Gradstein & H.M.H. van Melick. De Nederlandse Levermossen en Hauwmossen.)
B.W.J.M. Kruijsen


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