Buxbaumiella 44

< vorige December 1997 volgende >

In memoriam Dr. W.D. Margadant
S. Groenhuijzen & H.M.H. van Melick

Dr. Koos Landwehrpark

Mossen van Devon: verslag van het zomerkamp 1996
K.W. van Dort & H.N. Siebel

The ninth summer meeting of the Dutch bryological and lichenological society was held in Bovey Tracey, Devon. 13 excursions were made to various sites, mostly within the boundaries of the Dartmoor National Park. Over 200 species of bryophytes were found in moorland, on boulders, rocks and tors, in woods and along streams. Notes on the ecology of interesting species and co-occuring species are given. Locaties in dit artikel: Groot-Brittanniƫ, Devon (atlasblok: -)
Tip: het peristoom van Bryum algovicum

Voorjaarsexcursie voor korstmossen in de Kop van Noord-Holland op 7 juni 1997
J.L. Spier & D.W. Wolfskeel

During a fieldtrip in the northern part of the province of North Holland trees (Populus, Ulmus) along some roads and a part of the Wieringermeerdijk have been examined for lichens.
Ledenlijst per 1 december 1997


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