Buxbaumiella 39

< vorige April 1996 volgende >


Het zomerkamp 1990 in Evolène, Zwitserland, bryologisch verslag
G.J. Harmsen, H.C. Greven & H.N. Siebel

In 1990, the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society organized a summer meeting in Evolène (Val d’Hérence, Switzerland). The results of the bryological excursions in this area are presented. Locaties in dit artikel: Zwitserland, Alpen, Val d’Hérence (atlasblok: -)
Het zomerkamp 1994 in Karinthië, bryologisch verslag
K.W. van Dort, H.C. Greven & W.J.D. Loode

In 1994, the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society organized a summer meeting in Weiszbriach (Carinthia, Austria). The results of the bryological excursions in the surroundings of Weiszbriach, Hermagor and the Kreuzeckgruppe are presented. Locaties in dit artikel: Oostenrijk, Alpen, Karinthië (atlasblok: -)
Verdere informatie over het "mysterieuze" mos
B.O. van Zanten

Lichenen van de voorjaarsexcursie 1995 naar Bramsche, Niedersachsen
A. Aptroot & A.M. Brand

The vicinity of Bramsche, Niedersachsen (Germany) was visited by the Dutch lichenologists in May, 1995. Special attention was paid to the lichens on the megalithic monuments. The flora of these ’hunebedden’ still shows some Red List taxa, like Parmelia disjuncta. Several usually epiphytic species, like Gyalideopsis anastomosans, Micarea denigrata, Placynthiella icmalea, Strangospora pinicola and Xanthoria polycarpa were found on bare granite. The epiphytic lichen flora is poor, due to the air pollution from the Ruhrgebiet. Die Gegend in der Nähe von Bramsche, Niedersachsen ist von den Holländischen Lichenologen besucht worden in Mai 1995. Besonders den Flechten auf Hünengräbern ist Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet worden. Hierauf sind immer noch Arten von der Roten Liste anwesend, wie Parmelia disjuncta. Mehrere normalerweise epiphytische Arten, wie Gyalideopsis anastomosans, Micarea denigrata, Placynthiella icmalea, Strangospora pinicola und Xanthoria polycarpa sind auf Granit aufgefunden. Die epiphytischen Flechtenflora ist arm wegen der Luftverschmutzung des Ruhrgebietes.
De lichenologische najaarsexcursie van 1995 naar Ameland (prov. Friesland)
P.P.G. van den Boom & A. Aptroot

The September field meeting of 1995, of the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society, was held on the Waddensea-island of Ameland. 155 taxa of lichens and 3 lichenicolous fungi have been recorded. Stigmidium marinum is shown to represent a distinct lichen species. Caloplaca chlorina seems to be the correct name for what was called Caloplaca isidiigera. The saxicolous Lecania inundata was found as an epiphyte in the Netherlands for the first time. The lichenicolous fungi Hobsonia christiansenii and Syzygospora physciacearum are found for the first time in the Netherlands. Dr. P. Diederich is thanked for the identification of some lichenicolous fungi and Dr. A. Vězda for sending type material of Caloplaca isidiigera on loan.
Grimmia Hedw. (Grimmiaceae, Musci) in Europe
H.C. Greven

Beschermende maatregelen voor Stereocaulon condensatum Hoffm. door Nederlandse Spoorwegen
R. Oudega & J.L. Spier

For the first time in Holland Stereocaulon condensatum Hoffm. with apothecia was recently found along the railway Nunspeet-’t Harde. Measures have been taken to protect this lichen while working on the railway embankment. It is likely to be the first time in Dutch lichenological history that protective measures have been taken in favour of lichens.
Naarden-Vesting vanaf het ijs gezien
A. Aptroot, C.M. van Herk & J.L. Spier

The fortifications of Naarden-Vesting provide some of the best habitats for saxicolous lichens in the Netherlands. Most of the suitable walls are perpendicular, bordering on deep water. The frost period in December 1995 provided a good opportunity to visit areas which could not be reached during a previous excursion (see Buxbaumiella 35: 48-57, 1994). No less than two species, viz. Leptogium turgidum (which was growing side by side with L. schraderi without transitions) and Verrucaria caerulea, were found here for the first time in the Netherlands. It is also nearly the only known locality in the Netherlands of Collema fuscovirens (which is still abundantly present) and of Mycobilimbia lobulata (which could not be found recently).
Aanwijzingen voor het publiceren van nieuwe indigenen
G.M. Dirkse, H.M.H. van Melick & A. Touw

Lecidea variegatula Nyl., een nieuw licheen voor Nederland
A.M. Brand & J.L. Spier

Recently Lecidea variegatula Nyl. has been found on various substrata in several places. It seems to be a pioneer on acid substrata.
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