Buxbaumiella 38

< vorige December 1995 volgende >


Leptodontium gemmascens (Mitt. ex Hunt) Braithw. nieuw voor Nederland
B.O. van Zanten

Leptodontium gemmascens (Mitt. ex Hunt) Braithw. is for the first time recorded from the Netherlands, viz. Gasterenseveld in the North of the Province of Drenthe (april 1994), growing on decaying grass in a moist, grassy heath. It is hypothesized that the species may be conspecific with L. proliferum Herz. from Latin America. From here the species may have reached Marion-island (Subantarctic region) and Western Europe by aerial transport. This would explain the disjunct occurrences in the mentioned regions.
Verslag van de bryologische-lichenologische dag

Locaties in dit artikel: Gasterenseveld (atlasblok: 12-35)
Parmelia coniocarpa in Nederland
A. Aptroot

The distribution of Parmelia coniocarpa (P. perlata, P. trichotera, Parmotrema chinense) in The Netherlands is discussed. Before 1910 it was a rather common species all over the country. With the industrial revolution it became a rare species, restricted to coastal areas. Until the eighties it remained rare and there was no propagation. After 1980 it started a rapid recolonization and by now it is widespread and rather common again.
De verspreiding van Climacium dendroides, Hylocomium splendens, Plagiomnium undulatum, Plagiothecium undulatum en Thamnobryum alopecurum in Nederland
B.F. van Tooren, H.J. During & J.A.W. Nieuwkoop

The distribution of Climacium dendroides, Hylocomium splendens, Plagiomnium undulatum, Plagiothecium undulatum and Thamnobryum alopecuroides in The Netherlands has been mapped, based on reports and collections from before and after 1980. Climacium dendroides is widespread but nowhere common. A strong decline of Hylocomium splendens in the Netherlands is reported. The decline is especially severe in inland woodlands on poorly buffered sandy soil. This decline could be caused by SO2-deposition,which was very high in the period 1950-1970. In the coastal dunes the decline is less pronounced. Here the decline of Hylocomium is probably the result of overgrowing with grasses, caused by several factors, a.o. nitrogen deposition. Plagiomnium undulatum is a common species which is lately more frequently recorded. Plagiothecium undulatum is localy common and has probably increased. Thamnobryum is mainly restricted to dry valleys in forests in S-Limburg and to deciduous forests in the area of the big rivers.
Lichenen op hunebedden
A. Aptroot, S. Bakker, P.P.G. van den Boom, C.M. van Herk & J.L. Spier

The Dutch megalithic monuments, called ’hunebedden’, have been investigated for their lichen flora and vegetation in 1993-1994. They provide a unique environment for lichens in this country, because siliceous outcrops are absent otherwise. Many Red List species occur mostly or only on these boulders, including the nearly endemic Lecidea promixta. Many species are threatened by tourism or shading and some species are found to be extinct. Unexpected was the discovery of many usually corticolous species, such as Buellia griseovirens and Gyalideopsis anastomosans, and species reflecting the pollution by ammonia from manure, like Xanthoria polycarpa. Endococcus propinquus (Koerber) D. Hawksw., Fuscidea praeruptorum (Du Rietz & Magn.) Wirth & Vezda and Thelocarpon coccosporum Lettau were not previously reported from the Netherlands.
A. Aptroot

Systematiek van de Hypopterygiaceae
J.D. Kruijer

The Hypopterygiaceae are a small family of pleurocarpous mosses. After completing a taxonomic revision of this family, its c. 160 validly published species and infraspecific taxa will be reduced to 26 species. The phylogenetic relationships between these species and with representatives of taxa that are possibly related with the Hypopterygiaceae were analyzed. It is suggested that the Hypopterygiaceae are polyphyletic, because its genus Cyathophorum seems to be closely related to the Hookeriaceae s.l. However, the phylogeny of the Hypopterygiaceae s.l. is not completely satisfactorily resolved. For a definite transfer of Cyathophorumto the Hookeriaceae s.l. further research of the relationships of the Hypopterygiaceae s.l. is necessary, and should include other possibly related pleurocarpous moss families or the use of molecular techniques.
Enkele vondsten van Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus met kapsels
C.J.W. Bruin

In the winter of 1995 fruiting populations of the moss Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus were discovered on seven localities in the sand dunes on the isle of Texel. The last find of capsules of this species in the Netherlands dated from 1942. Possible reasons for the rareness of the fruit of this moss are briefly discussed. Firstly, it is supposed given the lack of deliberate search for capsules under-recording may give a false picture. Another explanation may be found in the possibility that the moss only fruits in one or a few specific habitats and will remain sterile in its other stations. This is also suggested by the Texel situation of 1995, in which all finds were made in exactly the same habitat. This is to be found on steep, north-facing slopes that are dominated by Empetrum nigrum, with admixtures of Calluna vulgaris and Rosa pimpinellifolia. Carefull searching in many other, far richer growing places of the moss revealed no fruit. This was all the more remarkable because only a small proportion of the total amount of Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus on the isle (probably less than 10%) is to be found in the habitat just described. Finally it is suggested that the extremely mild winters of the past few years may have played an important role in the formation of sporophytes. Only through more systematic recording of sporophytes, in combination with collection of data on climate and habitat, more light may be thrown on this matter.
Smaragdmos, Homalothecium lutescens, vormde rijkelijk sporenkapsels in de zachte, regenrijke winter van 1994/95
M.J.H. Kortselius

During the last decades capsules of Homalothecium lutescens have not been recorded from The Netherlands. Recently a number of capsule bearing populations have been met with in different parts of the coastal districts (sand dunes). Several possible causal factors for this remarkable phenomenon are taken into consideration. Of these, the substantial change in the weather conditions since 1988, seems the most exceptable explanation. In the last 7 years the average winter temperatures have been 1° C higher than in the 60 years before. The average yearly rainfall in this period increased with more than 10 percent. Moreover the water temperature of the North Sea increased considerably, a condition which has a positive influence on the formation of early morning dew in the coastal sand dunes. The microhabitats in which the capsules have been found, were extraordinary sheltered against drying out by their position on fairly steep north slopes or by their situation on the verge of a forest.
Toename van kapselvorming bij mossen?
J. Koopman & K. Meijer

De mossen van Oud-Kolland
B.F. van Tooren, H.J. During & H.N. Siebel

Locaties in dit artikel: Oud Kolland (atlasblok: 39-24)
Lichenen op de Portugees-Israëlitische Begraafplaats te Ouderkerk a/d Amstel
A. Aptroot & J.L. Spier

The ancient (since 1614) jewish cemetery at Ouderkerk a/d Amstel (serving Amsterdam) was visited upon request to assess the value of the lichen vegetation. It proved to be rather species-poor, but the vegetation was very well developed with Aspicilia calcarea, A. contorta, Caloplaca coronata, C. flavescens, Catillaria lenticularis, Lecanora albescens and Verrucaria nigrescens together completely covering most (hard limestone) graves. Lecanora horiza was common on vertical surfaces. The rarest species was Rinodina bischoffii, for which it is the second record from the country.
Boekbespreking. Greven, H.C. 1995. Grimmia Hedw. (Grimmiaceae, Musci) in Europe
G.M. Dirkse

Rijksherbarium verhuisd

Boekbespreking. Pluijm, A. van der. 1995. De mos- en korstmosflora van de Biesbosch, inventarisatieperiode 1983-1992
J.A.W. Nieuwkoop

Boekbespreking. De vegetatie van Nederland. Deel1. Deel 2
K.W. van Dort

Ledenlijst per 15 december 1995

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