De mossen van Vlieland
B.F. van Tooren, H.A.M. Smulders & R.J. Bijlsma
Bryophytes on the Dutch island of Vlieland. The bryophyte flora of Vlieland was investigated during a weekend of the Society in 2002 and by the authors in 2003. A total number of 98 mosses and 21 liverworts was recorded. Most remarkable founds were Micromitrium tenerum, Acaulon muticum and Pseudocalliergon lycopodioides. The present investigations are compared with data from literature. Especially many rare species of calcareous dune slacks and rare species of the phytosociological entity Nanocyperion flavescentis could not be found any more on the island. On the other hand the number of species in the woodlands is increasing. In total 168 bryophyte species are known from Vlieland. 43 of these are not found recently, among which 16 of the 30 Red Data List species which are known of the island.
Ctenidium molluscum (Hedw.)Mitt. in het Fissidentietum taxifolii
P. Bremer
Ctenidium molluscum (Hedw.) Mitt. in the Fissidentietum taxifolii. Ctenidium molluscum has been found at trench banks in two woodlands in the Noordoostpolder and at an incursion near Steenwijk. Patches were always growing on boulder clay except for one site on fine grained sand. There was no preference for the exposition. Patches can be inundated for a short time. Ctenidum molluscum established in the Fissidentietum taxifolii and was able to overgrow the species of this syntaxon, forming patches with a diameter of more at maximum 2,8 meter. Monitoring of plots showed that Ctenidium molluscum can be overgrown by Pseudoscleropodium purum or Thuidium tamariscinum.
De eendagsexcursie naar het essenhakhout in het Kromme Rijngebied te Utrecht op 29 maart 2003
H.C. Greven
Bryophytes of an ash-coppice in the Kromme Rijn area (prov. Utrecht). On the 29th of March 2003, 17 members of the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society inventoried the bryophyte flora in an ash-coppice stand in the Kromme Rijn area in Utrecht. The stand had been inventoried earlier, in 1974 and 1988, so the results could be compared. In 1988, the number of epiphytic bryophyte species had significantly increased, probably by the decrease of SO2 air-pollution during this period. In 2003, again an increase could be established, especially in the Dutch Red List species Anomodon viticulosus and Neckera complanata. Metzgeria furcata, absent in 1974, and present on a few stools in 1988, was found in extended vegetations on tens of stools. A short visit to an adjacent young woodland with broad-leaved trees revealed some uncommon to rare mosses like Cryphaea heteromalla, Platygyrium repens and Cololejeunea minutissima.
Wijzigingen ledenlijst BLWG t/m 26 juli 2004 (1)
Lichenen in een rozenperk in Schothorst, Amersfoort, roepen vragen op
J.L. Spier
Lichens in a bed of roses in Schothorst, Amersfoort, raise questions. The unexpected combination -frequently found nowadays- of acidophytes and nitrophytes was again found, this time on rose-bushes in Schothorst, Amersfoort. Considering the fact that the rose-bushes appear to have a pH of 4.7 the nitrophytes seem to be out of place here. How important is the pH of bark after all?
Wijzigingen ledenlijst BLWG t/m 26 juli 2004 (2)
Pohlia annotina met sporenkapsels
C.G. Buter
Fruiting Pohlia annotina
The Dutch moss flora includes a rather large number of species hardly or never producing sporophytes. During the last decennium however a slight improvement in this situation is observed. Now also Pohlia annotina (Hedw.) Lindb. is a representative of this development. This common species was last found with sporophytes in 1909. Now in 2003 two small populations of this moss were discovered on two different locations in the Province of Noord-Brabant. Since detailled drawings or pictures of the sporophyt concerned are not available the Dutch Nationaal Herbarium at Leiden decided to produce SEM photographs, partly presented here.
Mossen zoeken in Rotterdam: Mag ik ook vragen wat u aan het doen bent?
J. de Bruijn
Mussels? Here? Looking for bryophytes in a Dutch city. In 2001 I started investigating the bryophyte flora of Rotterdam. I strictly confined myself to the urban area, i.e. the part east of the river Oude Maas. This area does not include the main port, which constitutes an investigation field apart. So far, 161 mosses and liverworts were recorded, among which rare species like Rhynchostegium rotundifolium, Grimmia orbicularis, Tortula marginata or Pohlia flexuosa. Eight of them are (Dutch) red list species. Bryophyte florae of urban areas are rarely investigated, but prove to be highly interesting. Diversity is their main characteristic.
Omphalina hudsoniana (H.S. Jenn.) H.E. Bigelow en O. ericetorum (Fr: Fr.) Lange op dood hout in Nederland
K.W. van Dort & J.L. Spier
Omphalina hudsoniana (H.S. Jenn.) H.E. Bigelow en O. ericetorum (Fr.: Fr.) Lange on dead wood in the Netherlands. Omphalina hudsoniana (H.S. Jenn.) H.E. Bigelow and O. ericetorum (Fr.: Fr.) Lange have been found growing together on a huge ancient snag of Pedunculate oak near the village of Wolfheze. Both lichens are extremely rare in The Netherlands. They were accompanied by Cladonia incrassata, C. digitata and liverworts characteristic of turf but also occurring on dead wood in the later phases of decay. Moreover, in november 2003, the fruiting body of Omphalina hudsoniana appeared for the first time in the country. These records stress the importance of dead wood for biodiversity in Dutch forests.
Veranderingen in de korstmosvegetatie van het Wekeromse Zand (II): een vergelijking tussen 1994 en 2004
R. Ketner-Oostra
Changes in the lichen vegetation of the Wekeromse Zand: a comparison between 1994 and 2004. In the previous review (period 1984-1994) the subject of discussion was a decrease of the quantity of lichens in the nature reserve of 190 ha inland sand-dune landscape in the Veluwe region of Gelderland, while the species diversity remained high. In 1992-1993 management measures in this reserve, such as the cutting and removing of 35 ha pine-trees and sod-cutting, were implemented in order to regain an open inland sand-dune landscape. In 2003 it became apparent that too much erosion had harmed the lichen-steppe in the northern part, which had changed into a pioneer vegetation with the moss Polytrichum piliferum. In the southern part with fewer dynamics, the influence was visible of the aerial nitrogen deposition, which was in spite of the gradual reduction still as high as approx. 30 kg N.ha-1.y-1. Large areas were grass encroached and / or affected by encroachment with the neophytic moss Campylopus introflexus. Only where cover sand with a higher buffer-capacity had an outcrop over the acid drift sand, the lichen vegetation flourished and was extending. For the reserve as a whole the lichen diversity remained high, but since 1994 the quantity has decreased even more.
Calypogeia neesiana en Cephalozia catenulata: nieuwe levermosjes op dood hout
R.J. Bijlsma
Calypogeia neesiana and Cephalozia catenulata: new liverworts on dead wood. Calypogeia neesiana and Cephalozia catenulata are recorded for the first time in the Netherlands, on dead wood of (most probably) Pinus and Picea, respectively. Both species were found in the densely wooded southeast Veluwe (prov. Gelderland).
Vondsten van zeldzame en bedreigde mossen 1
Records of rare and threatened bryophytes 1
Annual survey of verified records of rare or threatened bryophytes found in the Netherlands.
Rapporten van inventarisaties van mossen en korstmossen in Nederland