Buxbaumiella 60

< vorige Maart 2002 volgende >

Lichenen van het zomerkamp in de Cantal (Frankrijk), zomer 1998
P.P.G. van den Boom & O. Bruess

Lichenological report of the summer meeting 1998 in Cantal (France). During the summer of 1998, the Dutch bryological and lichenological working group organized a field meeting to central France, Auvergne (dept. Cantal). 430 lichen species and lichenicolous fungi are reported from an area of c. 1500 km². Notes about ecology and sometimes on morphology and chemistry are given. Biatora mendax Anzi, Cheiromycina flabelliformis B. Sutton and Verrucaria corticola (Arnold) Servít are first records for France. Tremella ramalinae Diederich has been found one year later, north of the excursion area. This very rare heterobasidiomycete is also a new record for France.
Wijzingen ledenlijst BLWG

Riccadia latifrons (Lindb.) Lindb. nog steeds in Nederland
K.W. van Dort

Riccardia latifrons (Lindb.) Lindb. still occurs in the Netherlands. Riccardia latifrons was refound on dead beech wood in the eastern part of The Netherlands, outside its former Dutch habitat (marshes in Holland). The rising numbers of epixylic species, such as Aulacomnium androgynum, Dicranum montanum and Herzogiella seligeri in Dutch beech forest reserves suggest a positive effect of increasing amounts of dead wood on the bryoflora.
Korstmossen van het voorjaarsweekend op Voorne en Goeree in 2001
L.B. Sparrius & J.L. Spier

Lichen records from the spring meeting at Voorne and Goeree (the Netherlands). A list is presented of 162 species found during a field trip to Voorne and Goeree’s coastal dunes, including calcareous dunes, dykes and a church yard. New to the Netherlands: Pyrenocollema subarenisedum, which was growing with Bacidia bagliettoana and Sarcosagium campestre on recently, artificially formed calcareous dunes in the large industrial area Maasvlakte/Europoort. Several red list species were found on a basalt dyke, viz. Diplotomma epipolium, Fellhanera bouteillei, Lecidea lapicida, Parmelia mougeotii and Rhizocarpon riparium. The lichenicolous fungus Illosporium carneum was found on Peltigera rufescens.
De Bryoflora van het Zalkerbos (Ov.)
J. Koopman & H. Waltje

The bryophyte flora of the Zalkerbos (prov. Overijssel, The Netherlands). The Zalkerbos is one of the rare examples of a hardwood floodplain forest in the Netherlands. Its history with respect to bryological surveys is reviewed. The ash coppice still contains many red listed species such as Anomodon viticulosus, A. attenuatus, Isothecium alopecuroides, Neckera complanata and Porella platyphylla. Fruiting Thamnobryum can be found on the forest floor.
Mossen van Terschelling
B.F. van Tooren, K. Reinink & M.J.H. Kortselius
Bryophytes on the Dutch island of Terschelling
The 2000 autumn meeting of the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society was on the Dutch Wadden island of Terschelling. In combination with additional inventories in winter 2000/2001 about 170 species of bryophytes and liverworts were recorded. Totally about 190 species are known from the island, among which are 34 species found of the Dutch Red List. Of these 34 species 17 were recorded in 2000/2001. From the species which could not be found anymore several are characteristic for wet and mostly calcareous dune valleys. Species of woodlands increased during the last decades.
Mossen van het najaarsweekend 2001 naar Sint-Anthonis (Noord-Brabant)
C. Broekman

Bryophytes from the autumn field trip 2001 to Sint Anthonis (province of Noord-Brabant). On September 15-16th 2001, bryological field trips were made to 3 km2-squares (1,3,4) belonging to the Monitoring Network for Bryophytes in the Netherlands. A non-network square (2) was visited as well. A list of bryophytes was recorded for each of the squares. The squares (1,3,4) are situated in the eastern part of the province of Noord Brabant on a sandy soil with douglas fir and spruce plantations, the result of the pre-1960 type of reforestation of so called 'waste ground' (former heathland and moor). Square 2 includes the river Meuse and square 1 a fishing pond with sandy-loamy banks and a pre-1940 digged defence canal and bunkers.
Jaarverslag BLWG 2001

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