Buxbaumiella 57

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Een vergelijking van de lichenensamenstelling op vrijstaande polderiepen (Ulmus spec.) in Groningen, Friesland, Noord-Holland, Utrecht en Zeeland
J.L. Spier & C.M. van Herk

A comparison of epiphytic lichen composition on wayside Ulmus in the provinces of Groningen, Friesland, Noord-Holland, Utrecht and Zeeland (the Netherlands). In Groningen Ulmus trees appear to be richest in Red Listed species (10) and neutrophytes (44 species, 62.9%); this agrees with a relatively low SO2 concentration during the last decades. In Utrecht nitrophytes appear to be the largest ecological group (32 species, 45,1%) in this area the NH3 emission is relatively high. The Dutch elm disease is most likely to endanger the survival of lichens typical for Ulmus.
Epifytische lichenen op Ulmus, Fraxinus en Populus in West-Friesland
D.W. Wolfskeel & J.L. Spier
Epiphytic lichens on Fraxinus, Populus and Ulmus in West Friesland (province of North Holland), the Netherlands
Forty-four lichens and one lichenicolous fungus were found on the 12th of March 2000. On Ulmus alone forty lichens were found: 18 neutrophytes, 19 nitrophytes and 3 acidophytes.
De verspreiding en ecologie van enkele pleurocarpe mossoorten op bebost en begreppeld keileem
P. Bremer

The distribution and ecology of some pleurocarpous bryophytes on planted boulderclay. Ctenidium moluscum, Hylocomium splendens, Plagiothecium undulatum, Rhythidiadelphus loreus, R. triquetrus and Thuidium tamariscinum have been mapped in plantations on boulderclay in the Noordoostpolder (province of Flevoland) in the period 1986-2000. All species, except for Rhythidiadelphus triquetrus preferred ditches. Except for Ctenidium moluscum, the north facing side of the ditches was preferred, indicating that species are affected by the microclimate. On the parcels a density gradient could be ascertained for two species. Rhytidiadelphus loreus preferred the deeper ditches at the edge of the parcels and Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus the undeeper ditches with relatively high water table. The density (number of patches per ha) showed to be highest in Thuidium tamariscinum with a maximum of 17 patches per ha. Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus sometimes formed large patches (maximum 90 m²), without accompanying mosses.
Oproep: correcties en aanvullingen op de ledenlijst

Determinatie van de Nederlandse baardmossen (Usnea spp.) op grond van dunne laag-chromatografie (TLC) en morfologie
J.L. Spier, A. Aptroot, C.M. van Herk & L.B. Sparrius

Identification of the Dutch “Beard Lichens” (Usnea spp.) by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and morphology. The "beard lichens" from the authors' private herbariums as well as the collections from the Nationaal Herbarium Nederland at Leiden have been studied. Most recent Dutch collections are too small to be identified by morphology only. TLC is needed in order to determine the secondary substances. It appears that these lichen substances are not homogeneously distributed throughout the thalli. The species found in the last decades are: Usnea articulata, U. cornuta, U. esperantiana, U. florida, U. fulvoreagens, U. hirta, U. subfloridana, U. wasmuthii and U. wirthii. Recent settlements of Usnea spp. in built-up areas are mostly U. hirta and sometimes U. subfloridana. The following species have not been recently found and are considered to be extinct in the Netherlands: U. ceratina, U. filipendula, U. fragilescens, U. glabrata and U. rubicunda.
Peltigera praetextata (Flörke ex Sommerf.) Zopf in Overlangbroek
K.W. van Dort & J.L. Spier

Peltigera praetextata (Flörke ex Sommerf.) Zopf refound in the Netherlands. An investigation of the epiphytes of old ash-coppice stools in the Overlangbroek area revealed a vital population of Peltigera praetextata, a species thought to be extinct in the Netherlands.
De lichenologische excursie naar Willemstad en de Volkerakdam op 16 december 2000
A. Aptroot, C.M. van Herk, L.B. Sparrius & J.L. Spier

A lichenological trip to Willemstad and the Volkerakdam on 16 December 2000. The former seadyke near Willemstad was investigated and yielded a strange combination of aquatic, maritime and terrestrial lichens, e.g. Caloplaca dolomiticola, C. maritima, Verrucaria aethiobola, V. pinguicula and Xanthoria elegans. The city walls of Willemstad were quite rich, with e.g. Bacidia neosquamulosa, Caloplaca albolutescens, Collema fuscovirens, Lecidella anomaloides, Leptogium turgidum, Placopyrenium trachyticum and Thelidium zwackhii. A concrete tank-wall yielded Verrucaria papillosa new to the Netherlands. Lecanora saligna and Pyrenocollema chlorococcum were found on an old leather glove.
Nieuws over het meetnet mossen (1)
H.N. Siebel

News about the monitoring network for bryophytes in the Netherlands. The monitoring network for bryophytes comprises 300 km-squares that will be surveyed during the period 2000-2004. By now, about the half of these squares have been adopted by members of the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society. Even in the seemingly uninteresting squares 60 species or more are recorded. The overall increase in richness of epiphytic mosses is exemplified by two squares with Orthotrichum acuminatum, a species discovered quite recently in the Netherlands.
Errata: Paton 1999, The liverwort flora of the British Isles

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