In memoriam mr. Wim Vergouw (1910-2000)
Bryologisch verslag van het zomerkamp 1998 in de Cantal
K.W. van Dort, J.W.D. Loode & H.M.H. van Melick
Bryological report of the summer meeting 1998 in Cantal (France). The tenth summer meeting of the Dutch bryological and lichenological society was held in Albepierre-Bredons, a hamlet in the Cantal (France). The Cantal, at the southern border of the Auvergne, is known for its species rich montane grasslands, woods and streams. Most excursions were made to sites within the boundaries of the Parc Régional des Volcans d’ Auvergne. Interesting species for the region are Brachydontium trichodes, Campylostelium saxicola and Tetrodontium repandum. Resumé: Une session extraordinaire du Société Bryologique et Lichenologique du KNNV, PaysBas, s’est tenue en Juillet et Aout 1998 dans les environs de Albepierre-Bredons, situé au sud de Murat, département du Cantal (Parc Régional des Volcans d’ Auvergne). Parmi les espèces récoltées sont Brachydontium trichodes, Campylostelium saxicola et Tetrodontium repandum.
Cryphaea heteromalla (Hedw.) Mohr. in Nederland, vroeger en thans
J. Koopman & E.J. Weeda
Cryphaea heteromalla (Hedw.) Mohr in the Netherlands in past and present. Cryphaea heteromalla is described by Touw & Rubers (1989) as a very rare moss which has severely declined due to air pollution and which is hardly fructifying in recent times. The large number of records in the period 1983-1999 makes a striking contrast with this statement. Firstly the number of records has increased greatly: the species was observed 289 times from 1983 onwards, as against 91 times in previous times. Secondly Cryphaea heteromalla, which used to be confined to coastal areas for the greater part, has now extended its area into several parts of the interior of the country. Thirdly, a clear recovery of vitality and fructification has occurred. Distribution and habitat of the species are dealt with in detail, and the authors try to give an explanation of its recent expansion. Probably amelioration of air quality (reduction of SO2), a still rather high emission of ammonia (NH3), as well as the development of Sambucus nigra and Salix thickets in fallow areas and abandoned osier-beds, are important factors favouring Cryphaea's extension. With regard to these thickets, it is noteworthy that they only offer a suitable habitat to Cryphaea at a rather young stage (about 10-40 years old Sambucus bush, Salix afforestations 15-20 years after termination of coppicing).
Oproep: waarnemingen Orthotrichum pulchellum en Ulota phyllantha
Lecanora confusa Almb. weer volop terug in Nederland
C.M. van Herk
Lecanora confusa Almb. back again in the Netherlands. L. confusa was considered to be extinct in the Netherlands, but it has been found back recently at 24 localities, all on the trunk of Populus trees. All localities are monitoring sites; in 1997 this species was still absent.
Boekaankondiging: Een sleutel voor alle hauw- en levermossen van Europa en Macronesië
Boekaankondiging: een up-to-date catalogus van Duitse lichenen en lichenicole fungi
Jaarverslag BLWG 2000
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