M.J.H. Kortselius
Addendum (bij 32: 41-56)
Bryologisch verslag voorjaarsexcursie Chaam 30 april tot en met 2 mei 1993
H.M.H. van Melick & J.A.W. Nieuwkoop
During the spring field meeting 1993 the bryologically relatively unknown region south of Breda (North Brabant) has been investigated. Although 136 species of bryophytes have been found during the meeting, among these 14 red data list species, the area appeared to be a poor area for bryophytes. The find of Nardia insecta was the first record in The Netherlands. Locaties in dit artikel: Chaamse Beek (atlasblok: 50-24) - Chaamse Bosschen (atlasblok: 50-25) - De Lokker (atlasblok: 50-21) - Groote of Roode Beek (atlasblok: 50-24) - Halve maan (atlasblok: 50-36) - Het Merkske (atlasblok: 50-44) - Het Merkske (atlasblok: 50-44) - Het Riels Hoefke, De Brakelsche Heide (atlasblok: 50-26) - Krabbebosschen (atlasblok: 50-22) - Krabbebosschen (atlasblok: 50-22) - Liesbosch (atlasblok: 50-12) - Mastbosch (atlasblok: 50-13) - Matjes (atlasblok: 49-48) - Ooijevaarsnest (atlasblok: 50-36) - Oude Buissche Heide (atlasblok: 49-38) - Rechte Heide (atlasblok: 50-26) - Strijbeeksche Beek (atlasblok: 50-33) - Ulvenhoutse bos en Bavelsche Leij (atlasblok: 50-14) - Wilgenstruweel ten O van Hondsdonk (atlasblok: 50-24)
Zijn wij eksters? (Commentaar op verzamelen n.a.v. Buxbaumiella 32:04-08)
M.J.H. Kortselius
Een lichenologisch onderzoek met de ladder
C.M. van Herk & J.L. Spier
Literatuur over de mossen van Oostenrijk
H.C. Greven
Literatuur over de lichenen van de zuidelijke Alpen in Oostenrijk
P.P.G. van den Boom
De mosflora van Einde Gooi
W. Vergouw
Locaties in dit artikel: Einde Gooi (atlasblok: 31-28) - Einde Gooi (atlasblok: 32-21)
Mossenproject Friesland
J. Koopman & K. Meijer
Verslag najaarsexcursie Walcheren
J.J. Rutjes & H.G. Mosterdijk
During the autumn field meeting in 1986 the region of lake 'Veerse Meer' has been visited. Some sand plates which came above water level only since 1961, appeared to be rich places for bryophytes. The find of Helodium blandowii was the first record in our country during this century. Locaties in dit artikel: Duinen bij Westhove (atlasblok: 48-12) - Duinen Walcheren, essenhakhout (atlasblok: 42-52) - Duinen Walcheren, Oranjebos (atlasblok: 42-52) - Duinen Walcheren, Oranjezon (atlasblok: -) - Duintjes bij Veerse dam (atlasblok: 42-53) - Het Zilveren Schor (atlasblok: 48-24) - Inlaag noord van Vlietpolder (atlasblok: 45-55) - Inlaag noord van Wissenkerke, De Keienhoogte (atlasblok: 42-55) - Kapel van Hoogelande (atlasblok: 48-22) - Landgoed Berkenbosch (atlasblok: 42-52) - Landgoed Duinbeek (atlasblok: 48-12) - Schotsman / Ruiterplaat (atlasblok: 42-53) - Taluds buitenhave Veere (atlasblok: 48-14) - Veere, stadsmuren (atlasblok: 48-14) - Veerse meer, Aardbeieneiland (atlasblok: 48-24) - Veerse meer, Haringvreter (atlasblok: 48-14) - Veerse meer, Middelplaten (atlasblok: 48-15)
Arthrorhaphis grisea in Nederland
J.L. Spier
Arthroraphis grisea Th.Fr., which was thought to be extinct in The Netherlands after the last published find in 1904, has recently been found on Baeomyces rufus (Huds.) Rebent in five 5x5 km grid cells.
Lichenen en mossen op begraafplaatsen in en rond Zwolle
A. Aptroot, S. Bakker, C.M. van Herk & J.L. Spier
Seven graveyards in and around Zwolle (Prov. Overijssel) were examined for graves of lichenological or bryological importance. In total 71 lichens and 29 mosses were noted, all from graves and walls. Interesting records include saxicolous Lecanora horiza, Trapeliopsis flexuosa, Polyblastia albida, Sarcopyrenia gibba and Porpidia soredizodes with apothecia. Locaties in dit artikel: Berkum bij Zwolle, Algemene begraafplaats Kranenburg (atlasblok: 21-46) - Westerholte bij Zwolle, Algemene begraafplaats Voorst (atlasblok: 21-55) - Windesheim bij Zwolle, Algemene begraafplaats (atlasblok: 27-16) - Zwolle, Algemene begraafplaats (atlasblok: 21-55) - Zwolle, Katholieke begraafplaats (atlasblok: 21-55)
Het voorkomen van Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus, R. loreus en Thuidium tamariscinum in Nederland
B.F. van Tooren & M.J.H. Kortselius
Distribution maps of Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus, R. loreus en Thuidium tamariscinum in The Netherlands are presented. Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus has become a rare species in the pleistocene part of The Netherlands whereas the presence of this species seems to be more or less stable in coastal areas. However, even here the species has become less common although this is not apparent on maps based on a 5x5 km2 grid. Indirect effects of air pollution form a possible explanation for the reduced number of accounts, at least in coastal areas where scrub and tall grasses replaced the low vegetation in which R. triquetrus has its optimum. The occurrence of Rhytidiadelphus loreus and Thuidium tamariscinum did not change very much during the last decennia. However, in the center of The Netherlands recent accounts of both species are rather rare. This might be a result of a lack of bryological excursions to this area.
Thuidium tamariscinum in Friesland
J. Koopman & K. Meijer
A preliminary distribution map of Thuidium tamariscinum in Friesland is presented. This map has been based on a 1x1 km2 grid. During this project, which is still in progress, one plant with two sporophytes has been discovered; in this century this is the only Dutch record of fertile T. tamariscinum documented with a herbarium collection.
Actie voor Estland een succes
J. Koopman & K. Meijer